Epala® Books

The Personality Archetypes of Horsemanship
Horses have an uncanny ability to bring out the personality in humans. They can elicit from us who we truly are – controlling, accommodating, spoiling or risk-taking. Whether they are standing on our foot while we halter them, jumping a fence, cutting a cow or fidgeting while we try to fly spray their legs – they behave – we respond and our response reveals who we are. This book will help you explore how your personality impacts and influences your relationship with the horses in your life. Juli Lynch, Ph.D has constructed a system of identifying human personality in relationship to horses. The exciting news is that personality is not fixed. Therefore, if you realize that your current personality is not working for the outcomes you desire with your horse you can work to change it. And horses – because of their honesty will respond immediately to those changes. They can become our most treasured teachers in learning about ourselves.
Juli Lynch, Ph.D is an accomplished equestrian, riding instructor, author, public speaker, psychologist and former professional athlete who has raced horses across Argentina and Australia with a team of U.S. Navy SEALS. Juli is founder of Epala® an equine facilitated personal and professional development organization. She is an Advanced Approved Epona Instructor and conducts “Personality of Horsemanship” workshops at her farm in Northern Wisconsin and around the world.